A mental diagram of visual thinking & the inner minds eye

Below is a diagram that burst into my mind earlier today, I get diagrams a lot in my head but have never really drawn them up, I got this diagram in a similar way to how I see visions to paint and draw. Maybe you may think that I am strange after looking at it but it is in way very truthful to how I live within my own world and how it links to reality. Next I will do a diagram on how telephonic sounds create pictures so that I cope with spelling and how I picture numbers in order to do math. I hope this diagram is insightful to anyone interested in visual thinking and its state. If the diagram is to small I will increase its size .

My new painting

Back to painting

Well I eventually got myself in the right frame of mind to paint, I always know when I am in prime condition to paint again as I get to a stage when I begin to see things in a more aware way. For those who have not read my previous blogs I believe that drinking alcohol effects my mind in some negative way. I do remember a few weeks back that all of a sudden colours and objects seemed to stand out more and that's a good few months since I last had a drink of booze. I will not be drinking booze again hopefully. Anyway here is my new painting.

The blood bath

Well here it is and its been a good time since I have painted so I am well happy. This creation was a new and exciting direction for me which started out duo tone but I realised in needed some extra colours in the palette. I used some interesting techniques alongside some strong illustrative aesthetics.

I have to say that while the image strengths are near comical most of the painting is still quite surreal but with those fused together make the whole thing personally weird. Again the whole vision of this painting was pictured within my mind but a few parts were developed through mental imaging of the extras that connect all together. What I like with many of my paintings is that the items on view are of subconscious meaning
that exist as a prop to tell a mysterious story. I am hoping that the viewer can tell the story that they can personally identify with.

Philosophical writings on weird

What is weird ?

First off all let me start by saying that the term weird can be used again with restriction to its true potential. Most people think of weird as something wrong or evil that can startle the mind and generates an eerie atmosphere/sensation, but this is just a narrow angle on what weird can potentially be.

From a young age the whole idea of weird would stimulate a great curiosity in me and activities like walking through a wacky house or watching a magic show would be a much inspired thing. The ghost train would fill me with dread but as soon as I could I would embark on it and while being young it would be a great experience but soon after I left it behind and thought little of how much it lacked enough of what it could be.

So getting back to weird then I think to create something weird is untouchable and
exempt from conceptual analysis thus baffling its audience with works of enigma. I think the best way to find weird is by looking into the inner self or mind. A space can exist within the inner eye or third eye and through the purity of health or illness be opened to locate the opposite of the physical dimension. A problem occurs by allowing oneself to be programmed by the physical existence alongside our human instinctual urges to only put clouds upon the reality of truth. We also so easily forget the potential of others human minds that we have to constantly commune with and that each mind holds its own programmed world a place with the great potential. In theory I open up my worlds to the viewer without fear of scrutiny because the soul truth of my being is just as important as anyone Else's inner being.

Children are much closer to the
curiosity's of the minds imagination and without control will let there imaginations guide there own development. In fact this development process only proves that we all live in our own inner created worlds that is grounded and stabilised by the beginnings where imagination plays such an important role. I think that by exploring weird one can find more strength in imagination and creativity. A problem does occur in today's world regarding education as more emphasis and support is given to the controlled learning of theoretical and mechanical techniques with close attention to math and language is addressed. This in turn works opposite to the expressiveness of loose expressionist thinking that masks out the emotion of a more giving existence.

Capitalism is one reason why this type of learning is around so that it can give support to the worlds blood that is money thus looking for people to be able to support the growth of greed and power. Alongside technical powers maths is crucial to modern society and development and yet we see in so much of
contemporary artwork that seems to be killing all the magic behind art. That is why expressionism should be a great fuel towards the art of the weird as it looks at the inner minds why of seeing things. The ego of the modern world is very unnatural and unattractive where older architectures look much more dense in imagination that the flat glass, metal or plastic buildings.

If you look at the theory's of Einstein so much of it is easily drawn out into
diagrammatic forms where imagination seems to have been so evident. I wish that Einstein was an artist because I think that most of his thoughts were developed from the inner eye and visual thinking. When you look at the theory of relativity it would through a real experiment look like an amazingly weird experiment, but think of this could his art have actually visually instructed us to have created the atom bomb, sadly I think people find it hard to reach an understanding of visual instruction so use math to be instructed through formulae.

Continued Soon

Nebula's creation of weirdism

Personal thoughts on the
created movement of Weirdism

by Richard Jackson aka Nebula

Introduction to Weirdism

Well within the realm's of the art world we have been subjected to many strange and unusual artworks, mainly from the works of the surrealist artists who tried to channel and tap into the subconscious mind. But I personally see a huge problem with the surrealist philosophy mainly due to the fact that it is about the personal twisted perceptions of the real, and I think that imagination will find some limitations to this. Is surrealism the furthest we can venture with its vagueness and connections with delusion and madness. I believe that we can move further out than that but its a dangerous journey and that the very idea could end up shredding down the walls of this dimensional world. I do think however that surrealism was a great start towards something very powerful that could make or break the material world and possibly the inner world for many people.

So what would Weirdism be, I feel you will be asking but I want to keep that open for now. The most important idea is that it will only make use of previous works that could be used for the analysis of weird/Weirdism.

The core of Weirdism is that it should be about creating something weird from methods of day dream, sleep, paranoiac-critical method (fear, anxiety, mania, paranoia etc), disciplined hallucination without it being drug induced, accidental, scientific madness, abnormal and other strange and weird methods.

The most single important thing is to not use any drugs to find weirdness if possible but if one wants to dabble in drug induced creativity then its up to the person, but I do not believe that this can achieve to a higher level and think its in the artists best interest to be pure of mind.

To achieve a style of weird would be contradictory as weird can obscure the discipline of technique and process but if anyone would try to find anything near a weirdistic style I would strongly encourage it as to be proven wrong. To create a weirdistic art peace one can use a fusion of techniques, styles and movements to stir up the reaction but as long as it creates the whole movement of weirdism so to fade away the movements used.

What can weirdism achieve ?

I really hope that it can set new concepts to design and art through the induction of weird into powerful and bewildering aesthetics. I hope to see developments in the manufacturing of goods that fuse together all that is unreal and out of this world for example gadgets and gizmo's that put emphasis on the unusual to look over. I want weirdism to open up our eyes to new and beautiful surrounding that bewilder our sensors and that ask us to think about what we look upon.

I also want to see more of a bond between art and science where the elemental and cosmic work with or against each other to provide new and almost spell binding results. I really think that this world as become a solid synthetic gloomy dimension that needs to be lifted if only to arouse the mind to a voyage of personal perception and excitement to mystery.

Why should we live with Weirdism ?

We do actually live with it now to a certain degree, We have console and computer games that take us into other worlds that at times can blow our minds to new dimensions of eye candy graphics in which we escape. The animation, illustration and development of such things are for me a much needed provision but to a certain degree Weirdism could bring it into the gallery, the street etc. It would help the young of today connect to creativity that involves more than conceptual dribble and theory in which the visual sensor's do the talking.

What can you or I do ?

Well we can start by going about studying weird, thinking of new things to rip open the walls of normality, we can imagine things that don't exist and find an urge to create them. Weird is different to everyone and to embrace weird is the first step. Even being a person who don't fit into this life is a great role to play, you may think different to other people and can add your thoughts on Weirdism. Personally I think weird can be thought of as a disturbance and even add controversy on so much of life that it is dying to tackle authority and rule.

I think you have just made this up ?

I have and that's what weirdism is all about, making things up out of thin air, something new and unbelievable, Who is to say that what I have said is wrong and maybe because they have been heavily programmed by society to behave in a so called real and normal fashion that the previous writing would be considered a load of excrement then I pity that person for they are at a lower level of sensitivity. And would most probably overlook how weird can offer some extraordinary sensations.


There is none so go and find out for yourself


New thoughts and theory's


Most of my life I have lived in a world of my own really and I've never really been interested in the so called real world. I guess I see the other world as a prison in which people enter into, a kind of man made synthetic scape where instinct and desire combine with the human thirst to become powerful and feed upon there ego's. Below is a list of things that disturb me about the real world.


I have noticed that people behave in an almost evil manner while they are at work and will delight in overpowering people, especially one's who seem the weakest or in need. I also dislike the way that people develop groups and clicks to gain power and influence over others. The worst type of worker is the kiss arse type who wants to establish a over needed role and will do others work as well to gain a rank above others. You also get people who work with members of there own family thus giving them an unprecedented power.

Looking for work

It seems that for most of my life looking for work as been a complete waste of time. I used to apply to lots of different types of jobs but for some unusual reason would be unacceptable. I would consider myself to be a moderately intelligent person and have learnt to do an unbelievable amount of things myself without going on course's mainly skills on a computer. I have had a few jobs but it seems that the type of work I am good at requires in the united kingdom some kind of degree or huge amount of work history within the chosen area of work.

Procedure and law

More and more people create more rules, mainly because people wish to exploit situations to gain but for those of us who want to live an honest life it seems very near impossible. And for some bizzare reason the majority of us have been left to only be capable of being on benifits because our goverment make living on work a very insecure postion to be in.


Women are especially darker than men and this I find rather mysterious mainly due to the fact that I may have been brought up to think that women are usually more caring as a stereotype. I also feel that women are very very spoilt now and they have some kind of narrow minded ambition that gives them a very intimidating presence. I also find that most women are not as innocent as I would like to believe and seem to be fearless in order to find men who only care to use and abuse there image of innocence. I guess I am very idealistic towards women and think I tend to only notice the ones with a bad attitude.

English soil

Well the time as arrived when we have been invaded again and this time Poland are the invaders, Only the other day I noticed that my local town of Nottingham the English residents seem to have been replaced by polish ones, it felt like invasion of the body snatchers. And the way they all are dressed like middle class citizens against our poor slaved up native citizens made me feel an anger.

Not only that but I am fed up with seeing ethnic professionals in the medical profession who seem to not understand a word we say and I know this from experience but treat the white British as inferior and through that will give us nothing to really help us.
Culture is also an issue for me and it seems that our government seems to have provided other cultures and religions priority over our own culture. I don't actually see an English culture anymore, well I do and its a culture that the media have presented and developed to get us into going out and drinking every weekend so that the weeks/months money be paid back into the governments hands through the tax on alcohol.

The ethnic cultures are still very strong and in many ways an evil on our own soil mainly due to the fact they will disown and even kill women who will not be forced into marriage. But through our government building them temples and mosks in our own towns that the make the invasion more a reality.

The Mundane
It seems that England is becoming more and more mundane, work seems colourless and even business seems bland and black and white. I even detest the advertising that we get thrust into our face's on the television especially in the day time. The patronising adverts that sell things I find materialistic and pathetic such as insurance and double glazing. What has this country come to when things like that mean anything at all.

Things of interest


I like to watch films that make you think really, and most films have always in some way left me feeling and thinking about them especially if they have a message or meaning to them. As an artist I generally like to
delve into realms of art that cross over the line and explore uncharted areas which I could say I am a kind of explorer into the unknown. Again I kind of delight in the Romanticism of the sadness that some films seem to explore so well.

Salo "120 day's of Sodom"

I have recently watched the film I have been holding back on seeing for along time called Salo 120 day's of Sodom which was supposed to be described as being on the worlds most disturbing films ever. After watching the film it kind of enlightened me in a raw way about human brutality and only emphasise how dark the human spirt can be in all of us. While watching the film I realised I was also participating in an audience of evil curiosity. It kind of makes the mind feel happy to know that I wasn't feeling the pains that were being inflicted upon others. I think the film mainly deals with sexual brutality and how mankind will never really be satisfied by attacking such a sacred thing. You do get a strong feeling of how people have been abused in by the evils of political powers and especially with how Hitlers Nazi Germany abused its powers to commit atrocities. I think overall the film is one of those that was ok to watch once but the idea of watching it again don't seem to interest me maybe because it was uncomfortable and quite depressing.

The Bridge 2006 Documentary

For those of you who havn't heard of this film its a documentary type film that explores the tabboo subject of sucide due to people who commit sucide from jumping from the Golden Gate bridge. The first time I watched this film I could only bare it for about 20 mins especially after watching a man throw himself off the bridge. You get to hear from the ones who have lost someone after
they have killed themselves and the possible reasons for why they think the person might have done such anunspeakable thing. I have just finished watching the film this minute and think its an unsettling but valuble resource for people as an educational and informative study of human behaviour. It will also admit that it made me cry a little because of the sadness I felt for all involved in the tragigy that fell upon them.


Bioshock XBOX 360

Well I have been playing this game quite alot and think its a major release due to aspethetic merits and the gameplay is also powerfull with just enough creepyness and fear to keep the game enthrilling and exciting. It deffently takes you into another world a place very much connected to an expressionist scape similar to Gothem city in the Batman Films and a kind of circus of madness theme feeling where drugs as created a population of crazed clowns. It sure is a 8 out of 10 which is quite a good score.

Nebula's mind and brain

Expressions of my mind and self


I am a very distanced person and mainly through choice, and I consider that I lack an interest in things that to most people are natural and normal. For a while now I have observed the general behaviour of people in society and have noticed how fearless they really are especially considering how cruel modern society as become. I believe that in many way's its more about survival of the strongest minds rather than physically fittest. I also think that we at an age where the least intelligent of people succeed because of their absence of thought. People with traits such as ignorance, incompetence, selfishness, insensitive, greedy do well and that really helps in understanding just man as lost moral. So because of these observations I find people are best avoided at all costs and take no interest in communicating to these simple minded people. I will go on to talk about how my mind seems to operate.

Day dreaming

For me this is not only a much needed state of mind its something I do without even having control over. My moods can be severally altered by out the world appears visually around me. I can imagine new things to help survive say a dull day. I live in quite a boring town with hardly much in the way of beautiful scenery. But through delusion I can daydream and kid myself that over the hills or house's there is a a seascape or lake surrounded by mountains. I can actually pull out imagery that exists in my mind into reality at time. If need be I could position a giant walking down my street crushing all I dislike or anything that happiness to appear from request. Even the buildings around me can be smashed up as if I am living in an apocalyptic landscape or have the floor cracked open descending into lava pits. I can even invent a character that co-exists in this world like if its dark and dismal I would pretend that I am a vampire lurking in the shadows or anything I so desire.

Deep Sleep

One of the greatest things I live for is my dreamworld, Its not even as bad as my day dreams and thing in my dreams seem more down to earth than anything. I look for jobs, I travel on bus's, I go out at night to clubs. Its almost as if I am at times more involved with life in my dreams. I can look into them while awake and travel through the timed events of the storyboard within my nights dreams and walk around into other areas that were experienced at other times previous. Its also strange that I tend to add new areas and people to my dreams months afterwards. It seems it takes a while for my dream state to acknowledge the things around me. Dreams are like a photo album of place's and image's not only that but even small virtual space in which to move. I think the mind holds on to certain views. I can explain by saying that its like the brain works like pathways from one image to the next. Even in the day we are always connecting one thought to next as if we need to leap constantly. I can look even deeper still and have noticed that so far withing the mind I could be many things at once traveling at the speed of light around the brain itself. I can on occasion see within my soul hurtling through the mass tunnels of thought as if on a roller coaster from place to place but this is a either my imagination or in fact a deep connection with how my mind operates within.


I will take this time to talk about the power of imagination, most people today seem to think of it as a way to draw something or design something, or make a movie etc. But its a very powerful tool or state in which more research needs to go into. I can at time even use it to such a level as if I had psychic abilities. I can look into the iris of someones eye and develop an imaginary world of them. Thus giving me an insight into many things they seem to be and it as worked with extraordinary results even to making people rather afraid or tingle with this. Again its not all about the eye as well judge people really well even before we get to this point and things are being told to us even without us realising it. I think if people used this more in the world people would be able to understand each other better.


I must feel depressed a good 50 percent of the time, and before you say it I can be my worst enemy. On most occasion's my depression is because of my low opions of people and by the world I am surrounded by for example lack of work, no social life, I have no personal long term friends, I've been betrayed more times than I can think of, lack of traditional culture, my fears of the modern transportation system, and I am also not a grabbing person but have to suffer for lack of status and feeling powerless while others seem to have a future paved out. There are many more reasons and maybe it is that I have had depression passed down by my family. To some extent I bring on depression willingly and tend to embrace times of self pity, I have always liked who I am and love to pamper myself from times of depression. Also I tend to like the drama in sadness and the relief of pain in which at times feel compelled to watch a good sad film. I have also found that in times of greatest solitude that I can paint more as if compelled to express and bring outward my inner minds visions.


I do admit that at times I am on the edge of madness, I have put my mind through extreme pressure's to aid it to learn. The times I have thought over questions that can't be answered, The times its been the victim of abuse due to guilt, doubt, paranoia, fear almost as if even my own soul as been taken hostage by itself. I am a very strong willed to things as well and will stay up to the late hours working until I am secure and comfortable with myself and my work. Only last night I was up until 4 am working on my site. When it gets late my mind will exploded into a state of question and will seek the need for conclusion, I will throw all manner of questions at myself within and this will only add to me experiencing auditory hallucination's as if listening to a radio of mixed signals and with music, chatting, and other noise's coming and going.

Madness in public

Over my years in life I have coward away from people, from sexual encounters to the casual conversation. I have never felt confident in who I am and In how I believe people perceive me. I have for many years simply blended in and hidden away from social interactions. But through times in my life will my ego erupt and for some time I will become fearless, when I was younger alcohol would allow me to feel strong but all it does now is throw me out of sanity all together and would probably end with me getting sent in jail for losing all sense. I do also on occasion enjoy play acting in public and like to invent other characters that I feel would be able to cope with the world around them. The other day I couldn't resist pretending to be mentally disabled as if I was very backward and took great amusement in sucking my thumb in front of people. On that note I also like to prank people by pretending I know them and then bringing in outrageous statements about things I make out they have done, one bloke once turned around and said are you fucking mad, in which I actually delighted in thinking how narrow his thinking was to assume this of me. I do cross the line on many occasions and my girl friend bless her made me realise that I take things a little to far in which would in danger not only me but others around me.

My Relationship

Its been six months now I have been seeing my girlfriend Jackie and its been all round amusing and fun. And you can only imagine how much work I have been but I have always been good in relationships as I like to open up and communicate as much as possible. I did overstep things recently though as I became a bit needy and was staying allot at her house which made me loose all feelings of self and I needed to come home to chill and relax, plus as I am now gathering my thoughts about things.

My children

Around two months ago I got into a spot of trouble with my ex and her new partner. The day after they snatched my lad from school and that was that. I have been going through very painful times not being able to see my kids and the longer it was the harder it got. I have had to apply for parental responsibility and being able to see the kids now and again. Its been a good long time and only yesterday I had some amazing news that would be seeing my kids on the 31st of august. I am both excited and scared about seeing them and hope they haven't changed to much. I am thinking of saving up and buying them a trampoline in the not to distant future.


I have recently started up fishing again which I really like, I paid about 90 quid to get my tackle again and have really enjoyed getting out and catching fish. The bit I like most about fishing isn't just catching the fish but the fact that I have to assemble the rig prior to fishing and also just observing the float as it waits for the bite. All in all fishing is a nice peaceful time for me and allows me to turn off.


Well my site is getting there but I am tired of writing now so Ill write more about that soon

fizzychat community

New site Fizzy Chat
I have created this new site so named fizzychat, It's a site that allow's people to speak freely. I think that to many site are created to appear friendly and safe but thats just an illusion really I think no one is safe and so sites should appear to show the truth from the very start. I am always updating it and looking for new magical things that will entertain home user's of all ager's. I have added a radio, chat applet, forum, shop, news feed, profiles and hope to add more all of the time.
please find this site at http://www.fizzychat.co.uk

Back from the darkness


Well I have decided to start writing again now and now its going to be more in depth about whats going on in my life. I want to talk about my odd and unusual inner mind, my experience's all sorts really. So what do I have to talk about, loads of things I'm going to write a fucking books worth so that all u freaks can feel easy that you are most likely insane to even read it.


I had some alcoholic beverage some months back and it really altered my clarity, only now are colours starting to be absorbed by my eyes again. It's a strange feeling when you walking along and the sparkles of colour start to make sense again. I believe that alcohol is a real poison to the mind, I am sure that its constitutes to the slow progress of the human evolution. Ok most artists on the past have enjoyed drinking mass quantities of alc drinks but I think that was to course some kind of altered mental state which repressed happiness thus equaling to the urge to create a better personal existence. Anyway hopefully in a weeks time I can paint again because I personally prefer to have a pure and clear mind allowing for much more vivid visions. I have also decided that I will soon be exploring oil painting in the near future.


Tessa is my new online friend and she has helped me invoke my artistic thirsts again. She is a deep lady who I can really relate to and chat with about all my problems. She as been a godsend to me which I have needed, I have started up a chat site and feel very encourage by her kind words. Here's to you Tessa.


My old friend Catherin as become more of a problem to me as I feel that she as been a bad influence on me. I feel that she is lost in some form of madness that she is unaware of and I don't care really for how she would take what I am writing. I also feel that she is a artist wannabe in many way's and lives in the shadows of knowl
edge from her academic and educated mind that lives in self. Even her art is murky and lacks any real vision only that of her need for love and physical pleasure. I can't even pity her any more and am tired of trying to encourage her to develop. She as lied to me saying that she wasn't competitive but I have seen her envy at me and afterwards the bitterness consumed her to retreat from art. She is a dreamer but with such bleak vision. I do not to go near her anymore as she is negative omen.


I am currently working on a piece of art that I can't seem to stop thinking about, well I am not working on it at the moment because of that shite drink I had but anyway. Its going to be a fusion of comic illustration with some interesting and raw painting techniques. I want to mix together some outrageous violence with horror together with a kind of giger look. Dark and sinister with some added bloody aesthetics. I will most probably add some strong abusive language to the painting as well. So far I have a giant gay creature standing in a pool of blood surrounded by dead body parts and limbs. Nice stuff hey. Should I care of course fucking not.

The Club Demons Painting

This painting represents so much to me, its a kind of mental vision that relates to my own experiences at going out to various bars and clubs. Feelings and emotions of despair, discontent ect. I feel that through the consumption of alcohol a kind of mental kaos erupts into men and women. I only look down at this behaviour like when we all see the police clips of drunks being arrested after fights and brawls. I have myself been involved in this kind of drunken behaviour and it gives me sickening flashbacks of uncontrolled behaviour and primitive experience's. It also portrays how men compete like animals to safe guard there sexually tagged women and at the same time disrespecting women while they are intoxicated to take control and exploit their condition. I could go on but that's it for now. more stuff soon I hope depends on my mood.

My thoughts on love and women

Today I am in
allot of pain, mainly because I feel like I am to soft to be considered a worthy enough lover to women in general. I have a lady friend whom I feel so much for and have recently considered wanting to have moments of passion with. Fun discovery's exploring my sexual urges towards her and I have told her how I feel about this but she has some reasons for not wanting this which I am respecting, as I don't want to spoil my friendship with her. I do feel sad now though because she is the only lady I have contact with and who I trust with my feelings.


Generally women don't want the man to desire them, so I think because I express myself well they tend to think I need to get physical to much. Most men do want sex loads and its corrupting women into believing that all men want cold sexual encounters where as I see sexual exploration as an act of euphoric joy, a bliss which takes us off this planet more so when you can connect with women on a deep mental level.


I also believe women can identify with men who are cool about the sexual act. I think that is one of the main reasons why women seem to find the wrong types of men the alpha male. I know why as I imagine how women perceive this type of man, firstly I think its that they don't show any anxiety's towards the presence of a beautiful lady and show a bold form that is instinctual attractive to them, Second because men who don't respect or look up to women tend to be more relaxed when communicating with women and can speak with ease without concern of offending. Third it appears easier alpha males to be able to laugh and joke about sex and things that to me are serious because of the euphoric intensity from making love. Prudity is a sensitivity so I don't believe it when women say they looking for sensitivity in a man as they seem to ridicule men for this


Well I may be addressing the problem and yeah I can see that I have got problems but I'm not going to change my way's to appeal more to women, I am an individual and embrace this. I somehow love to be innocent towards the experiences of love making and believe if one corrupts themselves in the name of sexual experiences the more it loses its feeling. I would never even consider paying for a sexual encounter as I would lose all self respect and would lose the innocence of being true about love. I am in pain though and emotions of bitterness, jealousy are evident in my mind even to levels of anguish but never less my heart is pure and I will sacrifice it. I am special and if women don't want me I love who I am which is more important. we all alone anyway.

My deep general views on british culture


Well first of all I have been watching celebrity Big Brother over the past week or so and watched how there have been issue's concerning western and eastern culture's. I want to express my feelings regarding British culture and think that Britain has become a sess pit of corrupted thinking. Ill look at the reasons for this in a methodical way.

Media and the Government

I believe that the British government work hand in hand with each other in powerful ways in the united kingdom. We see how the news has created fears which aid in controlling people. Well I also think that media has also been promoting dreams that have only served to manipulate and corrupt people and they are now beginning to losing dignity and common decency. There are some reasons for this and I don't like them. Firstly I think the government are wanting us all to chase after dark materialistic delusional dreams to make people work harder to chase the dream, the rat race.

The Main Stream effect

Because of the British media everyone has become drawn into a fellowship of bad behaviour, we are beginning to find harassment and humiliation a comical virtue, from bad taste comedy programs like Little Britain. Only today I walked past three teenage girls and was disturbed to hear one of them shout tit wank how sweet. I actually think they were flirting and thought I would be wooed to hear there abusive mouths.

Class mixed up

I used to think the media were making the working class look bad but I would now say in the UK its not about the class's anymore at all. I believe that the media have a created a new attitude today as we have people from all works of life being given the chance to live in a wealthy way and money seems to allow people to gain power that there intellect hasn't earned. In the Big Brother house we see just how much there seems to be a clash of class and culture and a jealousy because one lives the dream happily. We have lost the decent class in Britain its all gone.

Sexual exploitation the media's poison.

The British media as corrupted people in a profound way, and I think we are now seeing damaged immoral personality's. Mainly because of indecent sexual exploitation and where women seem to have been given equality in living where they are still being used by the media which is a bad role model to the younger generation. I hate to sound like Mary white house but I think that Britain is becoming a crude, tasteless place full of darker ways dirty way's.

Why dream of more

Lets imagine we become millionaires through the lottery one day, we wanted it ever so much the television shown us many dreams that really got us going. we wanted to find someone to love but we found heartless people who leeched off us because of the power of wealth. We began making friends that could only talk about material possession, shallow and boring. The people also wanted to copy off the trends rather than develop an individual lifestyle. They would go out and show there body's off for cold cash. Well so now everyone wants this existence I think most have a plan in life, they no longer see each other outside of there bubble


Britain as an antisocial culture now, its people have been manipulated with dreams that have blackened the hearts of humanity. Women are becoming crude, driven by money and status and become jealous of class. Racism will always be but eventually it should dissolve out as it is doing. Just as long as we don't experience terrorism which could cause racial segregation between western and eastern people's.

Fresh thoughts on mythism

Well let me begin by saying yeah its been along time since I have been blogging but the Christmas session was a horrible and dark time for me in which I'm please as passed by. Anyway over this period I have been thinking and questioning my own mythism theory's. This new entry may be a long read and I will write in sections so you can read only the area's you find interesting.

The life within Mythism

Mythism is the way I like to live, the biggest influence on this is how sensitive my mind is to the visual environment around me. While I live I spend time looking at how life operates, looking at how we have paved a synthetic and man made maze of mundane material. I see cut out streets, blocks of security and streams of cold machines. I believe that today's man lives in a static state of comfort and thus causing people to gather in the tribes of family's, friends and co-workers. I personally enjoy being an outcast from the patterns in people's communication styles and living rituals embarrassing a sanctuary of piece and having a repression of life that leads me to dream of a more colourful existence. In fact everyday I feel attacked by people's fears while those fear's are intentionally I feel they aid in repressing me from approaching people as they tend to fear me for the corruption that they expect in all. In the world I imagine I see strangers gathering without fear of disturbance and unsociable behaviour. A place where growth and development of the society isn't based on mans thirst for power and money. I also wish for people to stop being influenced by the ideals of material power and to seek a lifestyle of the development of the mind and spirt.

Mythisim and deep spirituality

OK let me begin by saying that I believe we all unwillingly would love to know why we are here, its what makes us human. I fear though that society has begun to try and retreat from such thinking and I feel that this is causing mankind to lose respect for life. Well I haven't had much choice in spiritual thinking because while growing up my mind has open to many visions of possible near death experience's I had from being a very unwell child with a corrected congenital heart defect called fallots tetrology. Since then I seem to be able to drift into a deep connection with a sphere of existence that seems to defy everything that man could dream off on this physical plain. In fact so much of this place is still being developed by the development of my subconscious in which I can also travel into. I think that by entering our subconscious we are beside the doorway to death and that we are all living so much closer to death than we realise. I will call the brain the orbital growth chamber of knowledge in which all our experience's will develop the entity of electrons. We have a problem though and that is that society is constantly requesting us to watch the dreams of others and to lose our own visions and that attitude will begin to kill even the physical world itself and righteous pathway to a higher plain. Mankind will hopefully learn that its exists in a place where darkness and light are both present and that minds need to be encouraged to open up to both.

Mythism and the higher power of Imagination

The word imagination seems to be a new taboo word, I believe this is because people think that this exercise is futile and one that don't lead to any physical payback and I have to agree to an extent. But there are some high class jobs which require people to imagine like in advertising, artists and designers, writers to name a few but there is even a element of wrong doing in this where today's creative seem to rely more on parasitic style theft. So what does the ordinary person find from being imaginative, well from personal experience its helped me to solve problems, work through and exploit rules and systems, to escape a mundane life and to foresee and avoid future issues. Mythism is a place so close to the edge between reality and the imaginary. We can merge the world we experience around us by bringing into our minds and analysing it through memory and allowing it to grow out again into the world taking on new forms. We are doing this all the time, ancient mythology created new and wonder full things., and today we have nuclear mutant super beings. We our self's are capable of imagining our own worlds and I myself enjoy visualising them mentally and painting them and maybe in death I may be responsible for creating my new existence. In fact the film What Dreams May Come seems to achieve a simple and easy way of understanding the theory.

Mythism and the subconscious

Are we subconscious, well I think we have to be but most of us are evolving a program of basic instinctual subconscious thinking traits which are still quite animal. I see people that seem to live quite high class life's still bragging about how they much the abuse themselves with drugs. So it appears that at the moment people need some way of losing there inhabit ions through mind alteration. I think this dims minds from channeling into deeper levels but most artists will have u believe that alcohol helps them to create well i think it calm down the anxiety's imagination can induce and helps them to calm down minds. There are downfalls to being a subconscious person and that it makes one drift away from raw reality so experiences feel more like one is observing rather than really doing. Also fantasy and delusion is constant but is essential to feel mania without drug use and a euphoric state can be induced through the visit to the gate of mythism near to the doorways of death itself.

Art and Mythism

Well art at the moment is not art, I believe that art is now a show of show piece's offering intellectual analysis to non artists or dead artists. Personally I wouldn't want to sell my art to a collector but maybe prints so that I can claim the original to myself while alive. I don't think anyone who was to purchase my work would turn its complex aesthetic into bullshit babble. The day I ever sell my work would only deny its soul purpose of existing and would only serve to satisfy my physical desires. Today's so called artists try and cause reaction from the ability to shock or rebel against mainstream thinking which is intelligent to the mass but only disgusts my deep belief in real art development. And what makes a real artist to me well they must be involved in every part of the creation of the piece themselves, they must not use any objects that were already manufacture by others unless its evident that the object lost its identity within the final piece. If an artist Say's the piece is this then it is and shouldn't in any way be modified to suit any outside influence I could go on loads about how I deeply dislike the conceptual or insider art of today, I also think that naive art is terrible in technique and vision. Art should also be linked to other subjects such as science and should be taught through principles from all art types.