I have had the hurge to do some 3D artwork for some time to add to my legacy of exhibitionism of the weird and surreal and now its time. I have got to add that this is my first time at a sculpture but I can see from within that I can create in this way through vision and a inner power of guidance. I will add that I feel that the power is coming from something higher than myself in which I will channel through trance, passion, love and even anger. Music will be a much needed source in order to allow me to channel the waves of energy much needed to keep my mind at its peek.
Well the time is finally here, I managed to get hold of some huge cut down tree parts and went and brought a carving set which as made me skint but I feel better for parting with the money in this way. Well Now I am gonna create some specactular original and wonderful creatures. Things totally new to the eye with jaw dropping aesthetics in a comical, surreal and with the added novelity of gore effects.
I hope to paint the sculpture when it done to make it look very real with paints effects like that of a film but even if I can only create a expressionist peice I will be delighted in its raw primitive appeal. Below is a picture of the sculpture in progress.
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